Decided to share my most fascinating and excellent thoughts with the entire world.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


I'm here. It's amazing. Frosh week was...just WOW. SO MUCH FUN. I love being with her 24 hours a day. I was worried that we might get sick of eachother but so far, the few times when we are apart, all I do is MISS her. I don't think I've ever been as happy. She is my everything.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


It's tomorrow. Holy CRAP. It's TOMORROW. I've been waiting SO long for this and now its here. Wow. I'm SO excited. I have so much to DO still...i actually have not packed a single THING yet. AHHHHHH. Okay okay...i'm gonna go pack now. YAY!!!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005


I'm getting spam through my comments so I set up the word verification thingy.

I keep on thinking of all these things I have to do...yet here I sit on my ass doing nothing. It seems like I have so much shit to do that i really don't know where to begin I guess. AHHH!!!! I go to Guelph the day after tomorrow. WOW. Excited/nervous.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Ok, so maybe I'm more worried about school than I'd like to admit. I mean, on one hand I am unbelievably excited to go to University and to experience every thing that goes along with it. But for the past few days there has been this constant dull feeling of dread in the background of my mind that, when I slow down and have time to think about stuff, comes to the forefront. At first I didn't even know where this feeling was coming from - why i was feeling that way, but now I know that in typical Lauren fashion I'm worrying about school, even though I can't wait to get there. There's just so much to DO to get ready that I can't really start. I mean I think I've got all the actual school shit I need...don't need the basically I just have to pack it all, right?? But can that actually be it?? I know I can buy stuff when I get there and I'm only about an hour from home, so why do I feel like I'm forgetting something huge?? Just nerves maybe. Don't WORRY. You'll have Sarah as your roommate. You'll be away from the parents. You'll have freedom. You'll be able to do whatever the hell you want.


She's on her way here!! Got on a bus yesterday at 4 pm and is about halfway here by now. I'll meet her on Sunday in the dorm. FUCK!! I can't wait. Can't wait to see her...can't wait to get out of this house...can't wait to have freedom again....can't wait to get away from my parents...can't wait to have total control of my life. There are about a billion and one reasons why this Sunday can't come soon enough. A very small sliver of concern has managed to shove itself into my mind recently though. I guess I just don't know exactly what its going to be like and that scares me. Also, what about Sarah and I...I mean we worked sososo well at Rocklyn, but what if it's just not the same at Guelph?? We're roommates. If we're not together anymore for whatever reason, whats going to happen? I can't imagine her not being my roommate but I know, KNOW I couldn't bear to see her with anyone else.

I'm guessing she's near Thunder Bay right now. Hurry UP!!! YALLAH!!! Come here I miss you.